Carnot Vapour Cycle Pv Diagram

Consider 1 kg of saturated water at pressure p1 and absolute temperature t1 as represented by point 1 in the figure.
Carnot vapour cycle pv diagram. Heat is absorbed from the low temperature reservoir heat is rejected to a high temperature reservoir and a work input is required to accomplish all this. Carnot cycle explanation and derivation of carnot cycle. Thermodynamics vapor power cycle the carnot vapour cycle. The carnot cycle consists of two isothermal processes and two adiabatic processesboth these processes are reversible and therefore it is the most efficient cycleas it involves no losses.
It is applicable for perfect gas whose efficiency is considered to be maximum. We cannot use the area from a pv diagram to directly determine the amount of shaft work produced by the cycle. Steam is the working fluid in the carnot vapour cycle. Each process in the cycle is an open system and we need to use the 1st law for open systems to determine the amount of shaft work produced by the cycle.
The p v diagram of the reversed carnot cycle is the same as for the carnot cycle except that the directions of the processes are reversed. It was proposed by sadi carnot in 1824. 3 25 on pressure volume and temperature entropy diagrams ab represents isothermal operation at higher temperature t 1 and heat is absorbed at that temperature. Now a system that completes a carnot cycle is called a carnot engine.
The carnot cycle is the most efficient cycle operating between two specified temperature levels it adopted as an ideal cycle. Ch 6 lesson e page 17 the carnot vapor power cycle. And we really need to deal with the carnot cycle in order to understand where the first concepts of entropy really came from and then relate it to kind of more modern notions of it. Carnot cycle pv ts diagram.
Below we contemplate why this cycle is not a suitable model for a power cycle. Carnot vapour cycle a carnot cycle steam as a working substance is represented on the p v and t s diagram in figure. So our little piston here thats moving up and down we can consider this a carnot engine.