Hha Certification Test

The hha or the home health aide exam is a fundamental requirement in order to become a certified hha.
Hha certification test. Welcome to your free home health aide practice exam. Welcome to our most popular home health aide hha certification practice test 55 questions with fully explained answers. There are fifty 50 questions broken into 6 sections. In order to receive your home health aide certification in new york you need to follow the minimum federal home health aide education requirements.
Each section has a video introduction to help you understand what types of questions are being asked and why. This sample test is designed to help you prepare for the exam in terms of the types of questions on your test as well as the many skills youll need to know to pass. 30 question practice test for the home heatlh aide certification exam. Who approves home health aide training programs.
New york does not require more than the minimum federal training standards to be employed as a home health aide hha by a medicare certified home health agency. The hha test contains two sections. 1 written test and 2 skills evaluation. Requirements for cna and hha certification.
They are not difficult and will give you a sense of what may be asked on the home health competency or caregiver certification exam. The written examination is composed of close to a hundred multiple choice questions presented in english while the skills evaluation is focused on hands on assessment. Home health aide training program frequently asked questions and answers hhatp approval 1. The difference between hhas and cnas in the state of ny is that hhas usually end up working for home care agencies and in peoples homes whereas cnas are are more destined to end up working in skilled nursing environments such as hospitals and nursing homes.
You can view these questions on o. Welcome to our most popular home health aide hha certification practice test 50 questions with fully explained answers. Offered here is a free hha practice test and answers that covers all the topics taught in training programs and included in the official exam. The new york state department of health andor the new york state education department approve home health aide training programs.