Integration Documentation Template

Filling this vendor and tool independent checklist for each application integration ensures that no important requirement is forgotten.
Integration documentation template. The idfs can follow these examples when completing the data integration template. Used in design used while coding used while testing test support tools general functionality integration with other tools testable platform ease of use and customizable ui architecture industry tool characteristics this functional and technical requirement. Database csv file web services event etc. An ai blueprint is an overview of the primary elements and.
The final version is provided in the. Much like a systemssoftware requirements specification srs the integration requirements articulates the expected behavior and features of the integration project and related systems. Most integrations requirements documents are part of a larger data integration requirement plan. Due to the checklist style this template provides a very efficient and fast method of documenting what was required and what was intentionally excluded and not just forgotten thus providing detailed documentation auditors want to see.
For a source file show the file layout or refer to a layoutmapping document where this information is located. Application integration strategy template. 22 about the data integration template the data integration template provides a standardised structure through which data requests can be made to the idfs and ensures that every data request is supported by comprehensive documentation. The integration document contains an overview of tile system a brief description of the major tasks involved in the integration the overall resources needed to support the integration effort.
Data integration template author. I need to prepare the design document with all the integration intefaces and the subsequent communication methods. The plan is developed during the development phase and is updated during the integration and test phase. Trakheesi integration document application name trakheesi application owner names dubai land department application owner department rera email support at eresae date of last review 16 nov 16 notes version 10.
Software integration template functions included in this software test tools template. The template is a simple guide that is helpful for managers and planners who need preliminary information about the integration management processes. This project integration management template includes four major categories to give an overview of integrated project management and describe the six key processes of integration management. Describe in detail the type of source data eg.
For a database list the pertinent tables etc data transformation.