Is Bao Certification

We can get you started with the process today.
Is bao certification. Our approach in conducting is bao audits centers around four important principles. Is bao registration audit and certification for your flight department is easy with wilding air. In order to become is bao certified and to maintain that certification an operator must undergo regular audits typically every two to three years. Below is a basic summary of the typical process.
Is bao is an industry code of best practices developed by the international business aviation community for the benefit its members. While the is bao is a set of standards that reflect business aviation best practices world wide a management process has been designed to ensure its long term growth and development. Mutual respect diligent preparation extensive experience and operational common sense. Conducting over 100 successful is bao audits over the past 5 years.
All about isbao certification. Is bao an international standard for business aircraft operations in a nutshell is an industry code of best practice developed by the industry experts for the benefit of the aviation industry. It is the groups contribution to promoting highly professional operational practices that will build on the excellent safety record already established by business aviation. Requirement conform na references comments evidence of y n non conformities 6 january 1 2016 rev 1 performance of the sms.
The is bao is similar to an iso 9000 standard of practice but specifically formulated for the business aviation community. 2018 is bao training white paper the who what and when of training required for flight departments registered with is bao page 2 auditors will look for indicators that an operators safety management system is effectively identifying and mitigating risks. Is bao audit protocols international business aviation council ibac ref. During the audit process a lengthy list of aviation operations is subject to deep scrutiny.
Promote the is bao to regulators and standards setters as an acceptable basis for rulemaking.