Mbe Business Certification

The certification process ensures that bona fide disadvantaged firms receive the mbe designation in support of the states minority business inclusion efforts.
Mbe business certification. The new york state department of economic development division of minority and womens business development dmwbd pursuant to article 15 a of the executive law has extended the certification period from three 3 to five 5 years for all currently certified nys mwbes. Minority business enterprise certification with the national minority supplier development council nmsdc a private third party that certifies minority owned businesses on behalf of us. Mwbe certification eligibility requirements. Get your minority owned business certified there are a host of public and private programs set up to help minority owned businesses succeed such as special loans business counseling and management training along with opportunities to bid on federal state and private sector contracts.
Definition of a minority owned business enterprise mbe under article 15 a of the executive law an mbe is a business enterprise in which at least fifty one percent 51 is owned operated and controlled by citizens or permanent resident aliens who are meeting the ethnic definitions listed. For information about mbedbe certification contact ombe at 410 865 1269 or visit the minority disadvantaged business enterprise webpage under the business tab at wwwmdotmarylandgov. Governor cuomo launched the mwbe certification campaign to encourage minority and women business owners to certify with the state and take advantage of current and upcoming state procurement opportunities and billions of dollars in state procurement opportunities. Nys mwbe certification extension.
Strengthening new yorks economy and equal opportunity in state contracting. Minority businesses must be at least 51 minority owned operated and controlled. Corporations or mbe certification through city county or state programs. When eligible businesses are certified with the city they become more visible to prospective buyers including city agencies and private contractors seeking to purchase goods and services.