Peterbilt 340 Wiring Diagram

Cat adem iii schematic c10c12340 0.
Peterbilt 340 wiring diagram. Find features guides spec sheets sales sheets and brochures for every peterbilt model as well as materials on the paccar engines and transmissions and peterbilts proprietary technology. Main cab harness dash panel harne sses a b c powertrain engine harness transmission harness trailer harness chassis harness tail lamp harness firewall harness jake brake harness abs dash harness abs chassis harness hood harness roof harness sleeper vorad cab harness vorad chassis. Complete features specs. In addition to the 379th model peterbilt produces the following cars including for unusual markets.
379 peterbilt schematic 0. Peterbilt 320 wiring diagrams for dashboard you are welcome to our site this is images about peterbilt 320 wiring diagrams for dashboard posted by ella brouillard in peterbilt category on oct 02 2019. The universal model 378 visually different from the 379th sports hood made of aluminum as well as the 330 model y with a unique luxury bedroom system. Model 579 567 engine aftertreatment systems 2017 french.
379 with dill block built before aug 91 0. It controls the trucks instrument cluster including gas gauge warning lights and the air pressure sensors. Cab harness ddec ii 0. The truck year is 2009 and has paccar px 8 engine.
348 peterbilt wiring 0. You can also find other images like images wiring diagram images parts diagram images replacement parts images electrical diagram images repair manuals images engine diagram images engine. Model 579 567 engine aftertreatment systems 2017 french. 1988 peterbilt wiring schematic 340 peterbilt wiring diagram peterbilt 387 electric wiring diagram for 95 peterbilt 377 201 peterbilt 1988 peterbilt electrical diagram 1998 peterbilt.
The electrical panel on peterbilt trucks is located in the front cab of the truck on the passenger or drivers side depending on the truck model. 389379 peterbilt 05 full schematic 0. 387 main cab harness 16 10169 for agee 0. 362 cab over wiring 0.
The panel includes a circuit breaker and fuses and. Some of peterbilt trucks operators service manuals pdf wiring diagram above the page. If anyone has schematic wiring diagram or any other manual for pb340 please contact me. We have this track in the workshop long time and cant start it.
335 peterbilt with 3126e 0. Download pictures of club car wiring diagram picturesdoes anyone have a cab wiring diagram for a 1988 w900b. 359 peterbilt wiring 0. 06 17 2015 0636 pm flandria wrote.
Schematic 379 model family electrical p94 6023 c 01.