Software Procurement Policy Template

Information technology procurement policy 1 information technology procurement policy purpose the purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the procurement of it hardware and software within the trust.
Software procurement policy template. Basis in conjunction with the software purchasing section of this policy. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety and reliability of university systems and data. These responsibilities extend to. Introduction the trust has agreed standards in place for desktop software operating systems computer.
This template is based on the procurement guidelines according to the pmbok guide fourth edition. Procurement policy information technology procurement policy purpose the purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the procurement of all it hardware software and any externally hosted systems or software for the university. Office desktop computers company laptop computers computer lab desktop computers. Hardware and software procurement policy.
Navigating through the details of an rfp in itself can be challenging so use tech pro researchs software procurement policy to establish guidelines within your organization. According to the small business administration your purchasing policy needs to answer the following. Getting your purchasing policy established before delegating the tasks to someone else is necessary to ensure optimal spend management and cost control. Sample procurement policies procedures.
Our procurement management plan template helps you to think through the procurement processes for your project and plan for the most effective management of procurements. A strong well rounded policy will protect your. Software installation the mis department is exclusively responsible for installing and supporting all software on company computers. A valid voluntary product accessibility template vpat another statement by the vendor.
This document defines the process through which institutional hardware and software purchases are made. The purpose of the it procurement policy is to ensure that the procurement of information technology hardware software and services follow established university system of georgia board of regents policies and guidelines that due diligence is performed to ensure compatibility with existing systems and policies that appropriate plans are associated with technology acquisition and that the. In order to ensure compliance with university wide information security policies and to ensure that devices are adequately and properly tracked for audit and warranty purposes provost it requires that users and departments we support comply with certain technology purchasing and procurement guidelines. Having a purchasing policy for it related hardware and software can be the proverbial can of worms that you may or may not wish to open.