Texting Policy Template

The sample cell phone policy from the national safety council which can be downloaded by clicking the link or image requires that all employees sign and comply with a cell phone ban.
Texting policy template. Society for human resource management sample cell phone policy this policy states that employees may not talk or text on their cell phones while driving for work regardless of whether they use hands free devices. In order to ensure that suny delhis faculty and staff meet their obligation to students and the campus community this document sets forth suny delhi policies about cell phone usage and applies to all college employees. When the employee is operating a vehicle owned leased or rented by the company. Her is our policy on the use of celll phones at work.
Cell phone usagetexting policy. The new hipaa texting policy introduced in the final omnibus rule aims to eliminate the risk of patient health information being compromised during the sending or receiving of sensitive data via sms or while patient health information is kept on a portable mobile device cell phone tablet smartphone etc. More information about texting for public health purposes is available through the nwcphps sms toolkit available at. Easily edit delete or add any policy.
Sample policy language adapted from prosser employees utilizing cell phones for agency business must not utilize written cell phone capabilities such as text messaging or email for agency business unless such phone is synchronized with the agencys computer system so that such electronic records can be maintained according to the state records retention requirements. Distracted driving policy examples because driving while distracted is a leading cause or contributor to motor vehicle incidents mvis one of the most effective ways that employers can make a positive impact to reduce work related mvis is to have and implement a policy that prohibits cell phone use while driving and restricts your drivers distractions. A hipaa texting policy is a document that informs the employees of a covered entity or business associate the circumstances under which it is allowable to send protected healthcare information phi by sms text. It has been modified to be north carolina specific.
Sample cell phone policy. 817 cellular telephones this policy outlines the use of personal cell phones at work the personal use of business cell phones and the safe use of cell phones by employees while driving.