Cif Coaching Certification

Erickson is the only coach training institution that offers the worlds cutting edge fully interactive online coach training in the industry.
Cif coaching certification. Cif southern section goals for 2018 19 school year. The la84 foundation and human kinetics coach education in conjunction with the california interscholastic federation cif are pleased to offer online training for high school coaches in the cif los angeles city section. The program provides strong pragmatic and comprehensive instruction for coaches of interscholastic athletics in california that is consistent with the highest national. Cifnfhs fundamentals of coaching online course.
Earning your atd coaching certificate improves your ability to help clients develop rapidly produce better results and improve others ability to set and achieve goals and take action. With a mission to inspire lives one person at a time the flow coaching institute has helped thousands of individuals and organizations to become certified professional coaches across the world. The purpose of the cif coaching education program is to enhance the experience of student athletes by assuring that their coaches meet a minimum level of professional training. Human kinetics coach education is proud of our long time affiliation with the cif and we look forward to training new cif coaches in the 2019 20 school year and beyond.
These two courses form the foundation from which all elective courses and sport specific courses are developed. This coaching certificate program lets you practice foundational coaching competencies through role plays group exercises and case studies. Through funding provided by the la84 foundation the first 400 coaches in the cif la city section over the course of the. Coach certification verification click on the appropriate link below to verify that your coaches have completed a cif approved coaching education program including the cif rules exam.
Fundamentals of coaching and first aid health and safety for coaches provide coaches with content from all eight domains contained in the national standards for sport coaches naspe 2006. Our positive psychology and flow coaching methodology based curriculum was accredited by the international coach federation icf with the most advanced actp certification track allowing us to provide.